Best BigCommerce Restaurant and Food Themes Collection

多年来,只有大公司和垄断企业才能开发在线商店. 这是由于建设和维护网站的高成本和无法独立更新内容造成的, which also requires the price tag of hiring specialists. Ready-made BigCommerce restaurant and food themes are an ideal solution for start-ups, 中小型企业由于价格低廉和无需第三方帮助即可管理电子商务网站的能力.

BigCommerce是一个灵活的电子商务CMS,支持120多个国家的商店,并允许600多个与第三方服务的集成, applications, and platforms. BigCommerce直观的界面甚至允许一个完全的初学者掌握管理产品目录和接受/履行订单, 对于那些喜欢限制访问公司网站的人数的企业家来说,这是一个很好的选择.

However, even the best CMS requires a correct approach to creating the page design itself, UI elements, additional extensions, etc. Templateog体育首页 developers offer a wide selection of pre-developed BigCommerce templates 安装到您的系统中,无需太多努力或重大投资即可享受专业外观的结果.

BigCommerce Restaurant and Food Themes Development Stages

市场上数字产品的高质量是现在下订单的主要原因. Before a theme goes to the catalog, it goes through a multi-stage verification by Templateog体育首页 managers. 一旦布局符合市场标准和团队要求,您就可以看到范围的更新. However, before it comes to testing, the authors go through a long development process that includes 5 mandatory stages, in particular:

  1. 分析目标受众和设计所针对的利基市场是为推广商品和服务建立有效基础的第一步.
  2. The final and key stage is the preparation of references, designs, 或者,如果作者是独立开发者,没有与设计师合作,就为未来的商店生成概念.
  3. Once the work plan has been outlined, it is time to begin the most complex and time-consuming process of creating code. At this stage, the authors apply all their knowledge and skills related to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Vue.js, Angular, jQuery, etc.
  4. Before completing the layout, 重要的是要使其适应正确的手机和平板电脑显示,并使其与使用特殊脚本和代码元素制作的平台兼容.
  5. 最后也是最关键的一步是测试模板并消除出现的错误, errors, inaccuracies, etc. 此外,此步骤可能包括集成其他插件和扩展. 一旦一切都纠正了,作者就把题目发给经理审批.

BigCommerce Restaurant and Food Themes Features

The competition in the web design market is incredible, but Templateog体育首页 市场领先是因为它提供了100%的模板,包括所有的必备功能吗. 以下是该集合中每个项目最需要的特性的简要概述.

Professional Appearance

多步骤验证的要求之一是符合web环境的最新趋势. 你不会在市场收集中看到过时的优惠或不相关的UI元素. IT specialists implement advanced solutions, carefully working on visual hierarchy, navigation, effects and transitions, graphics and typography, location, and positioning of objects, fonts, etc.

Responsive Layout

Did you know that there are more than 5 billion active mobile device users globally? 这使得IT专家必须创建能够在任何屏幕分辨率的设备上有效显示的布局. 主题作者生成带有特殊媒体规则的代码,使界面适应各种屏幕,并确保所有元素在不同条件下的流畅性能.


统计数据显示,超过70%的真实用户更喜欢点击针对搜索引擎进行优化的网站的搜索结果. Therefore, 你需要一个seo友好的基础,应用最佳优化实践来吸引自然流量和增加转换. BigCommerce restaurant and food themes are built based on clean, 创建有效的语义代码,考虑影响排名进一步成功的最细微差别.

Multilingual and Multi-Currency

即使对于创建本地版本在线商店的企业来说,这个功能也是必不可少的, as it allows you to adapt the site to your target audience. In addition, 这是一个进入全球市场和接收来自地球不同地区的订单的绝佳机会,因为客户能够选择一种可理解的语言和他们在目录中显示的常用货币.

Best Plugins to Empower BigCommerce Restaurant and Food Themes

Website customization is an important stage of development, 允许您为不同的目的使用额外的功能来扩展其功能,并使其对潜在客户更舒适. 这里有几个选项可以考虑提高你的网站项目的转换和增加利润:

  • Yotpo. Do you want your clients to trust you more? 这个插件允许消费者检查你的报价的评论和评级,而不用离开你的资源去寻找你的竞争对手也可能创造的其他独立意见. 通过这种方式,你可以增加更多的参与度,并在没有额外投资的情况下为客户创造一个可信的形象.
  • Mailchimp. Email marketing continues to be relevant today. 这是一个强大的重新定位工具,比短信营销或其他方法更便宜到达你现有的客户群. Mailchimp is an excellent plugin for creating high-quality email campaigns, conducting A/B testing, and audience segmentation.
  • ShipStation. 此扩展允许您集成不同的交付服务,并为客户端提供有关包装的数据, configuration, shipping, customs checks, expected delivery time, etc. This is an excellent solution, particularly when working with foreign buyers and when scaling a business, but it is a must-have when doing business regionally.

10 Best Free Logo Design Examples

How about adding an attractive logo to your web store? Watch the video about 10 cool free logo templates from Templateog体育首页, 查看完整的商标集合,找到一个与你的品牌标识相匹配的!

BigCommerce Restaurant and Food Themes FAQ

Can you help me with the installation of BigCommerce restaurant and food themes?

Yeah, you can add the installation service to your cart along with the theme you like.


Feel free to let the marketplace team know about the issue, and they will do their best to resolve it.

Do BigCommerce restaurant and food themes support blog features?

In most cases, yes, but check the demo version for blog features before purchasing.

Can I customize BigCommerce restaurant and food themes?

Sure, 每个模板都可以在代码编辑器或可视化编辑器中定制(适合非编码人员)。.